Feminist Urbanism

For a radical transformation of living spaces.

The cities we live in illustrate the close and inseparable link between patriarchy and capitalism. In several places, at our homes, in our streets and squares, there is a clear vision of an urban model tailored to the male subject and for economic exploitation.

Driven by this logic, disciplines such as urban planning and architecture have materialized the displacement of women– as well as with racialized people, the elderly, children, minors or people with diverse abilities – to the inner borders of the domestic and their exclusion from public space.

This logic operates through mobility and transport networks designed primarily for cars and the movement of goods; an architecture that reduces to a minimum the space available for care or planning in the hands of specialists disconnected from the lives of its inhabitants, being these  some of the features of cities that expel everything that does not respond to the logic of value extraction.

The proposal that the authors develop in this book gathers a genealogy of decades of critical elaboration and practical experiences, whose repertoire allows feminism today to offer a counter-model to the neoliberal city. A caring city that subverts the current order of priorities, overcoming the private-public dichotomy through the design of environments that place the needs of a diverse and complex population at the center; which are sustainable in social and environmental terms; and where political and strategic decisions are in the hands of its inhabitants. Feminist urbanism specifies different aspects related to this city of care, from the clear awareness that only processes driven from below will build an urban reality radically different from the ones we know.

Authors: Col·lectiu Punt 6

Pages: 224 

Year: 2019

ISBN: 978-84-92559-99-2

Publisher: Virus
