Guide for the integration of a gender perspective in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans

Guide that offers a working tool to integrate a gender perspective across Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PMUS) and that can also serve to incorporate it into other types of mobility plans.

This guide is part of previous work developed with the ATM to integrate a gender perspective in mobility. It is based on gender analysis of the EMEF that reflects the differentiated mobility between women and men; of the PDM 2020-2025 and PDI 20212030, which for the first time incorporate a gender perspective as an objective, and the Plan of Measures against sexual harassment in public transport 2022, which urges addressing sexist and sexual violence in mobility.

Authors: Col·lectiu Punt 6

Year: 2023

Collaboration: Diputació de Barcelona

Design and layout: Odile Carabantes

Illustrations: Tonina Matamalas

Publication prepared with the Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Authority (Autoritat del Transport Metropolità- ATM Barcelona)
