Equip del Col·lectiu Punt 6


We are an associated work cooperative made up of architects, sociologists and urban planners from diverse backgrounds. We have been working since 2005 and in 2016 we were established as a cooperative.

We work to rethink domestic, community and public spaces from a feminist perspective, with more than 500 projects carried out at the local, state and international level.

We were born in 2005 after the approval of the so-called Barrios law. A pioneering regulation that implemented social and urban measures, and which consisted of 8 basic points to be developed, point 6 being gender equality in the use of urban space and facilities. Hence, our name.

Since then, we have not stopped: hosting workshops, preparing guides, providing training, conducting research, developing planning consultancies, audits and a whole series of projects, actions and activities, with a single objective: transforming spaces and territories from an ecofeminist perspective, placing sustainability of lives at the center.

Punt 6 Vision

We consider that it is necessary to rethink the different spaces to break discrimination and hierarchies and be able to develop physical and social transformations. We approach projects from an intersectional feminist perspective, to make visible inequalities and power structures and address how these influence the use and configuration of spaces.

We work on domestic, community and public spaces based on the needs, uses and desires of their inhabitants, integrating care, safety perceptions and community participation as transversal axes. Starting from the principles of ecofeminism, understanding that people are interdependent and eco-dependent,and approaching the environment from an eco systemic perspective.

We develop our own methodologies (quantitative, qualitative and participatory), adapting them to the context and people with whom we are working. Therefore, participation is an essential tool in our work, since community members are the greatest experts of their territories.

We learn from social and feminist economics, which prioritizes people’s lives.

En aquest vídeo t’expliquem la nostra visió de l’Urbanisme Feminista


At Punt 6 we are a group of diverse women, with ages ranging from 29 to 59; we were born in different territories of Catalonia, but also in Buenos Aires, Pitalito (Colombia), Trujillo (Peru) and Móstoles (Madrid); we have lived in cities like Mexico City, Vancouver, Berlin, Boston, Vienna, Medellín or Madison.

We have different life trajectories that are crossed by our different roles as caregivers, migrantsand inhabitants of  different territories. Our diversity has taught us to broaden and make our perspectives more complex, but we all share the commitment to the feminist transformation of living spaces.

Roser Casanovas

Founding partner

Architect from ETSAB (2008). Master in 21st Century Housing from the FPC (2010) with the thesis “The management of everyday life in the Catalan textile colonies” and Master in Urban and Territorial Planning from the UPC (2017) with the thesis “To live the utopia. Learn to manage everyday life”.

Adriana Ciocoletto

Founding partner

Architect and urban planner from the FADU-UBA (1997), Master from the University of Barcelona (2003) and Doctor (2014) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2014) with the thesis “Urbanism for everyday life: Tools for analysis and evaluation urban from a gender perspective”.

Marta Fonseca Salinas

Founding partner

Architect from the National University of Medellín, Colombia (1988). Expert in the implementation and application of the intersectional gender perspective in architectural and urban projects since 2004 and in specific areas of these disciplines such as design, participation, advocacy and research.

Sara Ortiz Escalante

Founding partner

Sociologist from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2000), Diploma in Gender Relations from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (2005), Master in Urban Planning from the University of Illinois (2009) and PhD in Planning from the University of British Columbia (2019) with the thesis “Planning the everyday/everynight: A Feminist Participatory Action Research with women nightshift workers”.

Blanca Valdivia Gutiérrez

Founding partner

Urban Sociologist from the Complutense University of Madrid and Doctor in Urban and Architectural Management and Valuation from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia with the thesis “The caring city. Quality of urban life from a feminist perspective”.

Karina Díaz Abanto

Accounting – Administration from the “Universidad Peruana los Andes” (2015) and the “Argentine Public Technological Institute” (2007). I am a worker of the Punt 6 Cooperative.

Sara Carbonell Curralo

Integradora social (2015), Educadora Social (2020) i postgrau en Salut Mental Comunitària (2021). Formada en perspectiva de gènere i violències masclistes entre altres temes, he desenvolupat la meva vida professional al voltant de leducació per a la salut, especialment sobre els àmbits de la salut sexual i reproductiva, el consum de substàncies i la salut mental.

Magda Isart Bosch

Architect graduated in Architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB, UPC).

Ainara Navarrete

Sociologist from the University of Barcelona (UB) and currently completing the Master of Territorial Studies and Planning (METiP) at the UAB. I have been collaborating with Col·lectiu Punt 6 since 2016.


We are part of:

La Insólita is a feminist cooperation network, a space for meeting, reflection and care that allows the development of mutual support tools and the establishment of synergies through intercooperation and the collectivization of shared problems. It is made up of Candela, Col·lectiu Punt 6, Coeducacció, La Creatura, Nus and La Raposa.

A group of engaged feminists activists, organizations, and associations working in the Mediterranean on the right to the city and spatial justice from a feminist perspective.

It is a living space for meeting and relating, open to participation and proposals from all feminisms.

The Global Platform for the Right to the City (PGDC) is an open, flexible and diverse network of civil society organizations and local governments committed to political action and social change through the promotion, defense and compliance of the Right to the city.
