Everyday mobility from a feminist perspective

This work aims to contribute to studies of everyday mobility, first by making a critical and theoretical approach to how mobility has been planned historically and its differentiated impacts especially on women, who despite having the most sustainable mobility, end up receiving the consequences of ‘a system of mobility and public transport planned from an androcentric and productivist vision. After the critical analysis, a proactive approach is taken on how to integrate an intersectional feminist perspective into mobility.

Finally, this vision of mobility is applied to the city of Valencia, presenting the results of two participatory workshops developed in November 2022 with women who move around Valencia . The text ends with some conclusions that combine the theoretical approach with the results of the participatory workshops.

Coordination: Càtedra d’habitatge i dret a la ciutat de la Universitat de València.

Authorship: Col·lectiu Punt 6, SCCL

Year: Març de 2023

Graphic design and layout: Cris Centeno

With the support of: Vicepresidència Segona i Conselleria d’Habitatge i Arquitectura Bioclimàtica. Generalitat Valenciana.

ISBN: 978-84-09-49290-9
