Exploratory march of the La Sibèria industrial polygon
In this project, a participatory diagnosis has been carried out on the perception of security of female workers in the industrial polygons of Ripollet. For this purpose, different methodologies have been used: exploratory marches, participatory workshop, in-depth interviews and survey.
This methodology has allowed to identify wich aspects generate perceptions of security and insecurity, linked to the design and management of spaces, the lack of activity at certain times or the insufficiency of public transport.
Based on the diagnosis, proposals and criteria have been developed to improve the perception of safety in the polygons.
The diagnosis and proposals have been developed based on 6 characteristics of spaces with a gender perspective: visible, signposted, equipped, lively, monitored, communal.

Foto: Marcha exploratoria polígono Molí de’n Xec.

hoto: Participatory workshop.